Monday, January 13, 2014

why I love and hate the month of January

At some point during the winter break, I get restless.  I start to get jittery with anticipation to return to the school year.  During high school, finals took place in January.  In college--especially at Saint Mary's--there are some other things to worry about.  Actually, one thing.  One BIG thing.
We call it Jan Term.  For the month of January, students are required to take one course and put in the same amount of work, if not more, as they would for a regular semester.  So we fit three months of coursework into one month.  I thought originally that I would have more free time, but the opposite remains true.  There is no time to fool around and play Just Dance.  No time to go ice skating.  Barely any time to make a blog post.
So anyways.  If you are ever considering going to Saint Mary's College of California or sending your kid there, just know that Jan Term is a lot of hard work.

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